P2P networking was used in the early days of the internet to share files and, since many viruses used to be transmitted that way, has gained a bad reputation among users. In fact, many internet service providers (ISPs) discourage users from accessing P2P networking by telling users they are unsafe.
However, P2P networking has a number of great advantages over traditional networking services, including faster downloading and more efficient routing. And there are plenty of legitimate reasons for using P2P networking, including distributing free-access data like open-source software and public domain videos and sharing private programs and data.
The reason most ISPs don’t want you to use one is that it prevents them from collecting and selling your personal information and browsing habits.
In this article, we’ll take a look at what P2P networking is, what it is used for, and how you can access it through a VPN.
What is a Peer-to-Peer Network?
P2P stands for peer-to-peer networking. As the name implies, this is where two or more users (peers) create a network between one another without transmitting their data through a centralized server computer. Sound quick and simple? That’s because it is!
This P2P network can be small-scale, perhaps an ad hoc connection between a few computers over a USB, or it can be a permanent infrastructure that hooks together many computers in an office through ethernet cables. The real benefits of P2P happen, however, when a network on a much grander, the global scale is created wherein special protocols and applications create direct relationships among users over the internet.

Features of a P2P Network
On a P2P network that operates over the internet, the peers are computers all around the world that are connected to one another without going through a centralized server. This enables direct file sharing and ensures that data is distributed anonymously through the network, so it is very difficult for anyone to collect it and sell it. Put simply, each computer on a P2P network becomes both a file server in addition to being a client. It both uses and provides the service.
A VPN is a virtual private network that allows users to connect to the internet using a securely encrypted end-to-end tunnel. It’s a fantastic way to boost your online security and privacy while avoiding bandwidth limiting and allowing your computer to appear as though it is located anywhere in the world (great for watching US Netflix from outside the US).
But the other fundamental use of a VPN, so long as it is a decentralized VPN like BitVPN, is to allow you to operate and exist on the internet over P2P networking. This massively opens up the freedom of the internet, preventing anyone from obtaining your data, tracking what you are doing on the internet, and allowing you to connect with millions of people securely and more directly than over a traditional network setup.
A P2P VPN is a Really Secure VPN.
Use a P2P VPN to protect against online hacking and prevent any tracking or monitoring.
Peer-to-Peer vs Point-to-Point Networking
They sound similar, but peer-to-peer and point-to-point networking are two very different things. You can imagine the differences easily, though. Point-to-point is like two people talking over the phone, one on one. Peer to peer, on the other hand, is like being in a crowded elevator and being able to talk to everyone there directly.
When people discuss the point-to-point protocol, they are typically referring to the type of protocol used in the data link layer of the IP protocol stack (PPP). This is the bit that transmits messages between two different systems connected to one another. It’s what ultimately keeps the two systems at either end of a wire talking to one another. As a result, there’s no need to consider which route data should take to be most efficient – it just goes from A to B.
Usually shortened to P2P, peer-to-peer is the opposite of this direct process. It refers to many different independently running programs that together coordinate a data-sharing service without any need to use a centralized master server. The whole point is that each individual user can connect to as many others as they need to obtain or transmit data.
By having your communication propagate through so many different systems you get a less predictable service, but it is typically one that is much faster and much safer. For example, not having a centralized server means that you do not suffer from single-point failures and bottlenecking issues, and it is almost impossible to track what people are doing on the network: meaning great privacy and security for the users.
Why is P2P VPN the Best Option?
A P2P VPN service, like BitVPN, is a specially designed solution that is optimized to provide users with peer-to-peer network capabilities instantly and automatically.
When you connect to a specialized VPN server, you’ll be able to share files at ultra-fast speeds without risking your security or privacy. What’s more, BitVPN automatically picks the best peers to connect to and the optimal network protocol in order to give you superfast routing, unlimited bandwidth, and hyper-secure internet. All with the tap of a button.
In addition, using a P2P VPN service like BitVPN secures your IP address to prevent websites and companies from tracking your location. That means you can appear to be located in whichever country that you want, giving you access to geo-restricted services like YouTube and Netflix.
The Safest P2P VPN: BitVPN
Thanks to their military-grade encryption service, BitVPN ensures that your data is always transmitted through an end-to-end encrypted tunnel that is impossible for external agents to track, crack, and manipulate. And thanks to its cutting-edge protocoling, your data will be routed efficiently and completely unthrottled.
BitVPN is a world-leading internet privacy and security provider. We’re the first and only decentralized VPN operating on blockchain, meaning you can surf, unblock, and stream any content totally anonymously and under the highest security parameters thanks to our end-to-end encryption techniques.
We offer a completely customer-oriented service with over 1 million users who trust us to keep their data fully private and free from interception. And our customer satisfaction rating is over 99% thanks to our revolutionary technology that makes it impossible for us to limit your activities or log your data.
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